Happiness - Boldogsag
In this running lifestyle, we hardly have time to relax, play and enjoy the moment.
Well, these people at Trafalgar square has (mainly tourists).
The two kids were so happy just playing with and in the water. Jumping up and down in the puddle. When they got bored of it they went climbing the stairs.
Ebben a rohano vilagban szinte alig van ido pihenesre, jatekra es a pillanat elvezesere.
Ezeknek az embereknek (fokent turistak) itt a Trafalgar teren van.
A ket gyerek boldogan jatszott a vizzel/vizben. Ugrandoztok es rohangaltak a tocsaban. Amikor rauntak lepcsomaszasba kezdtek. Olyan jo volt latni, hogy a szulok nem parancsoltak ki oket a tocsabol. (Jo ido volt!)