
Showing posts from September, 2009

Tai O, Lantau Island, Hong Kong

Mr Mao and other souvenirs - Mao es egyebb ajandektargyak

Lazy cat - lusta macska

The "eternal" fire - Az "oroketarto" tuz

Fairy tale view in London - Meseszeru tajkep Londonban

The end of Ramadam - A ramadam vege

On the road again - Ujra uton

Busker - Aki dudas akar lenni

Croweded -Zsufolt

Oxford street - Oxford utca

Still London -Meg mindig London

Whose watching who? - Ki figyel kit?

Thank you - Koszonom

Robert Capa

Nortcote Hotel, Southall

wired and connected


New Blog - Uj Blog