Budapest, Hungary

Sometimes I would like to be a tourist at my on birthplace. Usually, I go home for a week or less and it doesn't leave enough time to play tourist. Keeping up with family and friends is a sweet duty and I don't really complain about it. But, it means that my holiday at home is not really a holiday. There are some places in Budapest where anyone can relax and even play tourist for some minutes. The National Theatre is one of these.
Neha szeretnek turista lenni a szulovarasomba. Altalaban egy hetre vagy kevesebb idore utazom haza es ez nemigen hagy idot arra, hogy turistaskodjam. Kapcsolat apolas a csaladdal es a baratokkal edes kotelesseg, amire nem is panaszkodom. De, ez azt is jelenti, hogy a nyaralas otthon nem igazan nyaralas. Van nehany hely Budapesten, ahol barki lazithat sot meg turistaskodhat is nehany percig. A Nemzeti Szinhaz ezen helyek egyike. 
view from Petofi Bridge - kilatas a Petofi hidrol
close up: Freedom Bridge, Elizabeth Bridge and the Buda Castle kozeli kep: Szabadsag Hid, Erzsbet hid es a Budai var


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