Bratislava - Pozsony
My flight landed at Bratislava. Because of bad timing, I had plenty of time to discover the city. I like the old city its remind me of the castle quoter of Budapest (sorry, my Slovakian readers). Perhaps with reason, as once upon a time, Bratislava was the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom. My camera gave up on halfway so I had to use my mobile phone again to take pictures.
A repulogep Pozonyba erkezett. Rossz idozites miatt rengeteg idom volt felfedezni a varost. Tetszik az ovaros, a budai varnegyedre emlekeztet. Talan okkal, hiszen egyszer hajdanan Pozony volt a Magyar Kiralysag fovarasa. Az uj fenykepezogep feluton feladta igy ujra a mobilomat kellett hasznalni fenykepezeshez.