August 14th
In the area where I live packed with different nationalities. During the year they have plenty of celebrations, festivals. Usually, I miss them due to work or other activities. This time I was in my bed trying to fall asleep. But the outside noise was too loud. Then I rushed to the street to see what's happening. Of course, I took my camera. That night was the celebration of the Pakistan Independence Day. These pictures are not focused (not all). It was too dark to take sharp pictures.
Egy soknemzetiseg lakta teruleten lakom. Az ev folyamam sok unnepet es festivalt tartanak. Altalaban nem vagyok itthon ezen alkalmakkor munka vagy egyebb elfolaltsag miatt. Ez alkalommal eppen probaltam elaludni, de a kulso zaj nagyon hangos volt. Az agyambol kipattanva, kameraval felszerelkezve rohantam az utcara meg tudni a zajongas okat. Aznap este unnepeltek Pakisztan Fuggetlenne valasanak a napjat. Ezek a kepek nem tul elesek. Nagyon sotet volt mar.