A short story about manners - Tortenet a jomodrrol

Meanwhile, I was travelling on the bus in Greenwich an interesting and I could say typical event happened. A couple in their mid-30s with 2 children (a teenager and 3-4 years old) get on the bus. The small one still in a buggy so the mother parked the buggy in the buggy bay and the rest of the family gathered around her with small gaps. They were speaking to each other very loudly and they were using the F word frequently. At the next stop, a lady gets one with a buggy, so the family made space for the other buggy. The conversation continued between them. When the lady gets off with the buggy accidentally touch the other buggy with hers. The father with great anger shouted after her that she should say sorry and so on... The mother tried to calm him down. She said:"-Leave it, not everybody learnt manners."
Mikozben a buszon utaztam Greenwichben a kovetkezo eredekes es mondhatni tipikus eset tortent. Egy harmincvalamennyis hazaspar ket gyerekkel felszallt a buszra. Az egyik egy tini lany, a masik egy 3-4 eves forma fiucska. A fiu meg babakocsiban volt, az anyuka betolta a babakocsit a babakocsiterbe. A csalad a kozeleben helyezkedett el kis tavolsagokra egymastol. Harsany tarsalgasba kezdtek surun fuszerezve a K betus szoval. A kovetkezo megallonal felszallt egy no babakocsival es o is ott parkolta le a babakocsit. A csalad folytatta a tarsalgast. Amikor az utobbi no leszallt veletlenul hozzaert a ket babakocsi egymashoz. Erre az apa utana ordittotta, hogy kerjen bocsonatot es egyebb megjegyzes kovette. Az anya megprobalta lecsillapitani ezekkel a szavakkal: "-Hagyd, nem mindenki tanult jomodort!"


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